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"Be brave enough to start conversations that matter and shift the direction of change for the better."

A book series on group facilitation

"Architecting Collaboration" is the title of a series of books devoted to group facilitation, its principles, methods, and techniques, that can be applied by anyone who believes in the power of collaboration and teamwork.
Fieldnotes book
The picture above describes the 9 sections used to curate the selected articles of this book. 

Besides these sections, there are also a few extra resources as annexes that you may enjoy reading, including the full version of the IAF core competencies. 

Written by Paul Nunesdea, the English author name of Paulo Nunes de Abreu, an organizational psychologist, researcher, facilitator and manager who has been applying the knowledge of group facilitation in a double scope, since the 90s:
  • On the one hand, as a manager, to obtain more effective results with group work within the organization and to foster high-performance teams.
  • But also, within the scope of his consultancy practice, to develop and perfect 'group facilitation' as a professional activity, used to inspire teams in the different types of organizations and communities.
These two fields of application are, each, respectively catered for: 
  • The first volume of the series (currently in Spanish and in Portuguese) is devoted to the former
  • and the second volume (only in Portuguese) to the latter.

The first volume: 5 steps for becoming a facilitative leader

Written for the managers who want to obtain more effective results with group work within their organizations. 

This is the first volume of the series, aimed at all those who lead organizations or groups, whether or not managers (mayors, teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs and associative leaders) who believe in the power of collaboration and thrive to adopt a participative leadership style.
More about the 1st volume

The second volume: Facilitate Groups and Lead by Facilitation

The second volume of this series, is only available in Portuguese. Written for coaches, professional trainers, and other type of HR consultants, who already have some contact with the management of group work and who wish to learn in more depth the principles and methods of group facilitation, according to the basic competences from IAF.

Watch a short 5 minutes video in Portuguese (subtitled in English) where I describe this book from chapter to chapter. You will learn the main focus of each one and what to expect from the book overall.

Arquitetar a Colaboração: 
Facilitar Grupos e Liderar pela Facilitação

The 2nd volume of this series, was written for all consultants who already have some contact with the management of group work and who wish to know in more depth the principles and methods of group facilitation, according to the basic competences from IAF(International Association of Facilitators).

Today, sharing knowledge is one of the most important factors in increasing an organization's productivity. The collaborative architecture concept gains importance in the context of the current digital revolution, where more and more new technologies are appearing that increase the effectiveness of meetings and teamwork.

The 189 pages of volume 2 of this series are available in print version (USD 34.00) or Kindle version (USD 9.00).
Amazon book page image
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