Enhance your leadership skills with facilitation methods in this intensive two-day course! Gain hands-on experience with established methods including Knowledge Café, World Café, and Open Space. This course is perfect for consultants, facilitators, project managers, and team leaders who want to improve their competencies and foster collaboration and innovation within their groups.
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This course offers a unique opportunity to learn from experts and enhance your facilitation skills, bringing you closer to obtain a professional certification in group facilitation by the IAF (International Association of Facilitators) or the INIFAC. Whether you are an experienced professional or a beginner, this course will empower you to lead more productive and collaborative discussions.
Sign up now and take your facilitation skills to the next level!
For more information or to secure your spot or contact our FREE concierge service >> here
SPECIAL PRICE offer and discount
Attention to all IAF- International Association of Facilitators members (and other professional associations ICF, ACMP, MPI, IAP2) and not-for-profit organizations => 20% discount.